It was an honour to sponsor and reward the winners of the SAMPE Europe "Young Engineers Challenge" competition with Michel Glotin.
Congratulations to Negar Aghigh, Ghita El Anbri and Etienne Leclerc from Polytechnique de Montréal.
A committed and invested jury and incredible organisation at the JEC WORLD 2025 trade fair on 5 March
The winners were awarded the training module "Introduction to thermoplastic polymers - advanced level", an interactive, dense and rich course offered by E-Learning Composites Academy, with personalised follow-up and an expert tutor specially dedicated to their course. It's always pleasing to encourage the new generation
I have a special thought for a friend who has left us and whom we hold dearly in our hearts, François TROCHU, professor emeritus of Polytechnique de Montréal, who was part of our excellence committee.



e-Learning Composites Academy is preparing to roll out a new learning format, aimed at a very broad target audience, that will be easy to access particularly on mobile phones, tablets and computers. The format will be clear, engaging, progressive, rich in animation, cost-effective, easy to adapt and, above all, easy to understand. The content is hosted directly on a our dedicated platform.
17 February 2025

Stamping technology - Teaser !

Stamping technology - Teaser !
31 May 2024